Telpon dan Internet Murah dengan Jaringan Open BTS

Our USRP Package arrive from ettus research on 07th July 2010, and test for implementation on September 2010.

On This Blog just result form our test not step by step the OpenBTS installation.

Key open-source GSM base station is a Universal Software Radio Peripheral (usrp) which is a software-based radio Digital Signal Processing (DSP) high speed.
Hardware usrp of Ettus in connecting to a PC using USB2 Kable.

Our Hardware Specification
1. PC Server
Motherboard INTEL S300AH
Processor Intel(R) Xeon X3220 2.40GHz
Harrdisk 80GB,
PDU 500W

2. USRP Package from Ettus Reserach

     detail of packages

  • 2 - RFX900 for GSM 850/900 (800-1000MHz Transceiver, 200 mW output
  • 2 - VERT900 (824-960 MHz, 1710-1990 MHz Quad-band Cellular/PCS and ISM Band
  • Vertical Antenna, 3dBi Gain, 9 Inches, Ideal for RFX900 and RFX1800).
1. Ubuntu 9.10 - 32 bits;
2. OpenBTS Ver 2.5.4Lacassine
3. C++ BOOST VER 1.4.2
4. Gnuradio VER 3.2.2
5. Asterisk ver

How to Use OpenBTS
enter the directory / usr / local / src / openbts / apps
and then type. / OpenBTS, such as the following picture 

To view or IMSI ERROR LOG active
check on the test.out
few moments later the IMSI to be detected in the log from tail-f console test.out

To View the IMSI is already registered in OpenBTS
typing in console tmsis

The use of the HP procedure
Setting HP
1. Setting up the HP in Manual Network Selection
2. Setting the 900MHz Band

To make a call to a fellow Handset ie 2104 to 2110
From Handset 2104 press 2110 press dial ....

To View the error OpenBTS
on openbts check on the test.out
cat / usr / local / src / openbts / apps / test.out

And in asterisk to view error
check in the / var / log / asterisk / messages or asterisk -r -vvvvvv -g -dddddd -c 
To view the CDR

Special Terms for use openbts
1. IMSI lock that is not too
2. GSM handset also is not terlock
Our OpenBTS Testing can call to PSTN,GSM Selular and Internationalcall

Many Thanks to David Burges,Ono W.Purbo,Mr.KW,Mr.AC, Mr.G, Mr.AM and Mr.D for all Supporting
